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Asbestos Awareness Campaign 2011 – 2017

Insight has been at the forefront of delivering high quality multi-award winning community and trade awareness and education campaigns Australia wide since 2008 including the development and management of the National Asbestos Awareness Campaign for SafeWork NSW, the Asbestos Education Committee (AEC) and the Heads of Asbestos Coordination Authorities in the prevention of asbestos-related diseases.

In 2010, Insight was retained to research and develop a campaign to increase awareness of the dangers of asbestos with a specific focus on home renovators and to provide useful information and resources via a website to educate home owners and renovators on asbestos risks and how to manage asbestos-containing materials safely.  

Insight conducted a communication audit that determined existing branding, messaging, resources and applications were ineffective in addressing the issue.  Insight developed more effective methods of communication and messaging to better address the issue including a strategic campaign incorporating new branding, messaging, information and resources, tools and tactics including effective strategic media and stakeholder engagement processes. 

Insight’s comprehensive strategy included rolling out Australia’s first Asbestos Awareness Campaign (AAC) in November 2011 and launching the user-friendly website, www.asbestosawareness.com.au.

From 2010 through to 2018, Insight has consistently developed and managed all components of this low budget campaign to successfully and measurably grow community and stakeholder engagement and media coverage year-after-year to become the internationally recognised world-leading asbestos awareness and education campaign.